Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mmm, A little life with a side of Matoke please.

Alrighty, that last post was intense... ha. 

I want a burger, or Pinkberry ha ha. Everything we eat, EVERYTHING, comes with a side of Matoke -- a staple dish consisting of plantains. It looks like mashed up bananas but tastes like ...Matoke. ha ha! I've asked six different people how they would describe the taste and the facial expression describes it more than any words could: 

*Tori (bottom left) is the only one who likes Matoke. :)

(Don't worry. I'll make sure to get the recipe broseph!) 

... And Josh, in response to your saying of choice - Afya! Vifijo! Unalipa?

1 comment:

  1. That's quite a doo, Loo! Love to hear your thoughts. Your in our prayers daily.
